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Rice FAQs

We wanted to answer some common questions we get about Rice. We hope this helps and feel free to call the front office with any questions. (903) 262-2555

Where does my child go the first day of school?

A few days before school starts, you will receive a letter informing you of the name of your child’s teacher and class room. You are welcome to attend Meet-the-Teacher scheduled for Monday, August 14th from 5:30-7:00pm.  You are encouraged to bring your school supplies to this event to help make your first day a little easier.  On the first day of school, your child will go directly to the classroom.  The teacher will be there to greet them and introduce them to new friends in the classroom. 


What time does school start and finish?

School starts at 7:50am. 

School ends at 3:10pm.


How early can I arrive?

The school officially opens at 7:00am.  Students arriving between 7:00-7:35am will only be permitted entry to the cafeteria where they may eat breakfast. Please drop off on the Carriage side of the school if you are arriving before 7:35am. Students arriving between 7:35-7:50am will only be permitted entrance at the front of the school using the Main Entrance, please use Ranger Road for drop off.


What about school supplies?

Check the Rice website/School supplies list and you may purchase them on your own. 


How does morning drop-off & afternoon pick-up work?


This video will explain and demonstrate current morning drop-off and afternoon pick-up procedures.


Please abide by the crossing guard’s directions who is there to ensure the safety of our families and students. You may not leave your car for any reason, even if you think you will be gone only a few seconds.

Is there parking at the school?

Please utilize the main parking lot at the front of Rice Elementary on Old Bullard Road. We ask that you be mindful of designated parking spots. Because there are so many cars traveling through the parking lot, please do not leave your car at the curb.


What if my child rides their bike?

There is bike parking (“bike cage”) located by the cafeteria on Carriage Drive. Students who bike to school will need to walk it while on campus.  Please use the crosswalks on Carriage and Briar Cove. It is recommended to lock your bikes to the racks for added security. Please note that the bike cages are not locked overnight or on weekends.


What if we are late?

If you are running late, please go to the main entrance of Rice on Old Bullard Road. Your student will stop in at the office for a tardy slip and then head to class.


What if my child is not coming to school?

Please call the office at 903-262-2555 before 9am. This saves you from receiving a phone call asking the whereabouts of your child. 


What if my child has an appointment during the day or needs to leave early?

Please call the office in advance so they have your child ready. Early pickup must be before 2:30pm. Always have your driver's license with you when you come to the office to sign your child out. And when you return, please check in at the office. 


Can my child eat breakfast at the school?

Yes! Breakfast is free for all students every day. Lunch is too! Kinder-5th grade students who want breakfast, will go to the cafeteria before 7:35am to eat breakfast. Pre-K students eat breakfast as a part of their school day and their teachers will help them get breakfast.


What if my child needs help during breakfast/lunch?

We highly recommend that your child be able to open everything on their own that is packed in their lunchbox. The bento box (or something similar) is a great way to package items. Lunch Aides will be able to help the younger students. 


How do I get a school lunch?

School lunches are also free again this year! Breakfast and lunch menus are sent home each month or you can view them here


What if my child forgets their lunch?

If your child forgets their lunch, they should inform their teacher.  If you need to deliver a lunch, please bring it to the office and the child can pick it up there.  If not, the student can get lunch from the cafeteria.


Is there a Lost & Found?

Yes! But please label EVERYTHING. 


What do I do if I need to visit the school during school hours?

Whether you are visiting as a volunteer in the classroom or need to drop something off for your child, you must stop by the main office. The office will accept items left for your child or will call the child to the office for you to give it to him/her directly. If you need to go onto the campus as a volunteer, you will need your driver's license to get a volunteer badge. When you leave, please leave your name tag on the sign out sheet.


Do I have to volunteer?

You are not required to volunteer. That said, it is a great way to learn what your kids are up to, to meet their classmates and fellow parents and to feel good about playing your part. Parent volunteers make a lot of wonderful things that happen at Rice possible. (You must be an approved Volunteer through the district)


One of the best places to learn about school wide opportunities is on this website.  Click on the Volunteer Form and we will try to match your time and talents with upcoming volunteer opportunities!


Are there after-school activities?

There are many enrichment programs organized by teacher and parent volunteers at Rice. They are grade specific and most of these programs take place immediately after the school day.  These offerings change according to the providers’ schedules and are not necessarily an exact match to the school semesters. We often have Chess Club, Art Club, Choir Club, Robotics and lots more. 


Is there after-school care at Rice?

The Boys & Girls Club has an affordable extended after-school program at Rice. For more information, click here.


Can I go on a tour of Rice?

Absolutely! Please call the front office to schedule an appointment. (903) 262-2555

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