Upcoming Events


Connect @ Rice


There are so many ways to stay connected with Rice Elementary. 


Join PTA

The Rice PTA provides programs on strengthening family-school partnerships, and free resources for members on issues and areas such as STEM and health & safety. Be a part of a powerful association than can advocate on behalf of children and educators here in Tyler, as well as on the state and national levels.


Having an account to this website is not the same thing as joining the Rice PTA. You must become a member to gain access to online/app directory and additional parenting resources. *Must be logged in to access form.


Join PTA



In order to help at the school or attend field trips, you must be an approved TISD volunteer.

               1. Click here to complete your application.

               2. Your approval will be noted in the Raptor system when you check-in at the school office.



Ensure that you are signed up through Rice Elementary to receive the monthly E-Newsletter from Rice MTS Brittany Lupton. The Ranger Report has lots of information for parents regarding what is happening on campus week to week. Contact the school to update your email address or phone number to receive the e-newsletter.


Social Media

Rice PTA has a large social media presence, follow us on our Facebook & Instagram pages to stay connected and interact with our posts!

Follow Rice Elementary and TylerISD to have a district-wide connection.


Email Us

Reach out to us with any questions you may have here. We look forward to hearing from you!









Join Rice PTA 

Platinum Sponsors

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Image number 2 in a rotating selection of images.