Upcoming Events


Back to School

Meet the teacher

On Monday, August 14th, from 5:30pm - 7:00pm Rice Elementary will host Meet-the-Teacher! You will be receiving a letter in the mail with your teacher's name. 


This event is come-and-go.  You will be able to drop off your student's school supplies in their classroom.  If you ordered school supplies through the PTA school supply drive, they will be delivered to your student's classroom before Meet the Teacher and you may label items during the event. 

First Day of School

Morning drop-off and afternoon pick-up procedures are demonstrated and explained in this video.


Car tags are required to pick up your child from school via the pick up line or Park & Walk. School issued car tags will be available at Meet-the-Teacher or from the front office.

Lunch Procedure

School breakfast and lunch meals are free to all students again this year!  The school still needs the "Free and Reduced Lunch" form completed and returned by all students despite this benefit.  


Parents/Guardians are allowed on campus to eat lunch with their students in specially designated areas.  

Join Rice PTA 

Platinum Sponsors

Image number 1 in a rotating selection of images.
Image number 2 in a rotating selection of images.